Article 5119

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Lapatukhina Ekaterina Sergeevna, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of constitutional and international law, Russian State University for the Humanities (building 7, 6 Miusskaya square, Moscow, Russia), E-mail: 

Index UDK





Background. In modern Russia, there are different points of view on the processes of globalization and the assessment of its impact on sovereign states. The article explores approaches to determining the place of parliament in the processes of globalization. The trends of the influence of global processes on the evolution of representative bodies are traced, the advanced and useful experience for our country of preserving national identity and protecting national interests is explored.
Materials and methods. The article analyzes the scientific literature on the research topic.
Results. The analysis of the use of various forms of parliament in the international sphere. On the basis of the tasks assigned by the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation to the Parliament, an algorithm for their implementation is proposed. 
Conclusions. The conclusion is formulated that the development of supranational regulation in national rulemaking requires strengthening the consideration of the country’s development prospects based on the interests of society. 

Key words

Parliament, globalization, international activities, trends, national priorities, parliamentary diplomacy 

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Дата создания: 27.06.2019 09:24
Дата обновления: 27.06.2019 10:10